Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Lots of craziness happening around here this week!!    I am hosting my semi-annual weekend retreat this coming weekend in Canmore, Alberta and the madness has begun!!    Normally I do most of my prep the weekend before I leave - - but this time around I was travelling with my daughter's hockey team to an out-of-town tournament instead of prepping.    So much fun!!  Here are the happy gold medalists:

While we were away - I managed to slip on some ice, sprain my ankle & end up with this:

So . . . my retreat prep is not happening at the pace I'd like and now with just a couple days to go - I am in panic mode!  This is what my scrap room looks like today - - Cricut humming along, stuff everywhere, half packed containers . . .

If I pull this off by Friday it will be a miracle :-)  Wish me luck!!!    

As much as I'm not enjoying all this prep & packing with my immobile foot - I am VERY MUCH looking forward to the retreat itself!     I plan to prop my foot up & do some scrappin'!!!       To the 40+ ladies joining me in Canmore -- I'll see you soon!


  1. Oh no!! Oh Carla! I wish I lived near you so I could come help you prep! I am not nearly as crippled as I was last week and even ditched the walker yesterday! Do you have anyone who can help prep? Can you change the project so the participants do more of the cutting work? {deep sigh} hugs!

  2. Do you want some help? I can come over and help you out. Let me know

  3. Hi Carla,

    If you need help just let me know. I am free tonight and Thursday.

  4. A question for you when you get back from Canmore...where were the girls playing?

  5. Oh dear!!! I hope you heal up quickly. I know your retreat is going to be fabulous.


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